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A Bike Ride & Prayer Requested for Final Asia Trip - 2023

A refresh before our final international trip this year. Fresh air, sun, and Fall colours. Nature therapy.

Memie and I will be heading out to Taiwan Oct. 30 - Nov. 18 which will be our last ministry trip to Asia for 2023. Please be praying for strength, quick jet lag adjustment, anointing, wisdom, insight, and grace. I will be speaking 18 times in 14 days. Additionally, we will have 14 prophetic sessions over church leaders. We'll be in two key churches, one in Taipei (northern tip), and another in Taichung (central) (map below). We REALLY appreciate your prayers for us. We want God's people to be encouraged and strengthened in these days. Pastor Greg Miller, his wife Lucy, and son Max will be part of the team.

Taiwan is beautiful country of 24 million people, with a land mass approximately the same as Vancouver Island, or the country of Netherlands. 275 Taiwans would fit into Canada! At its closest point, it's only 1.2 miles away from China. The main language is Mandarin, with English being widely spoken. The country aims to be bi-lingual with English by 2030.

The economic growth of the country has been described as the "Taiwan Miracle," having developed from an underdeveloped nation into a high-income country in a just several decades. They are considered part of the "Asian Tiger" economies, which includes Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea. The rapid economic development highlights the hard-working nature of the people.

Electronics is one of Taiwan's powerhouse industries, with 60% of the world's semi-conductors and 90% of the advanced ones made in the country. Such leadership carries great weight in the global economy as well factoring strongly into geo-political dynamics. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (TSMC) is the crown jewel of the country.

Buddhism (35%) and Taoism (33%) make up nearly 70% of the people's declared religion with Christianity coming in around 10%.

The people are some of the most hospitable in the world, and the country ranks #1 or #2 as the Friendliest Country in the World. Memie and I can testify this is very true! Make it bucket list item to visit Taiwan!

Thanks for your prayers as we minister in this wonderful country.

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Paul Radke
Paul Radke
Nov 21, 2023

Just saw this post! I pray everything went well!


Oct 29, 2023

Will be praying for stamina, accuracy and the love of God on these precious people. That is a lot of ministry to get into such a short time. Blessings and safe travels.

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