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Intense and Good

Our trip to Taiwan was strenuous but greatly blessed.

I spoke 15 times in 12 days with all 15 messages being different. I've never had a stretch of speaking like that before.

Additionally, our team (with Greg Miller) ministered prophetically to 120 sets of church leaders and influencers, including:

- Taiwan pop singers (one serving as coach for Taiwan's version of "The Voice")

- Rap stars

- Youtube influencers (3M followers)

- Taiwan's Vera Wang of wedding dress designers

- TV host & personality

- University heads, business leaders, and more...

New Life Church is expanding rapidly through church planting activities, having started several plants while COVID was happening. Below are some pics and video's of their new sites. They have some of the best church designs in Taiwan - truly spectacular.

New LIfe - Entrance to Church (Tainan city)

New LIfe - Sanctuary (Tainan city)

New Life - Cross Cafe + Church Facilities (Kaohsiung city)

New Life - Global Leadership Team

We were at Banner Church (Taichung city) for the latter part of our trip, assisting with their leadership transition plans. Many ministry heads came from various sites across the country.

Banner Church - Senior Leadership Team

Memie with Pastors May (center) and Lillian (left).

Some of Banner's Next Gen Leaders - our dear friends Monday (l) & Praise (r).

All these activities were a great joy to be a part of, with the crowning moment coming when nearly 30 people made decisions for Christ in the healing crusade. This is why your prayers are so important. You are truly, really, key to our trips.

Coming to the front to accept Christ.

Haha! Ginormous font for people in the crowd 60 and over!

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Nov 25, 2023

Beautiful! Amazing ministry, but not surprising. So good to see God’s spirit alive and well around the world - specifically Taiwan.


Paul Radke
Paul Radke
Nov 22, 2023

Awesome to see and hear about, Rich and Memie!


Nov 21, 2023

Great report! God is moving in the Far East.

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